Showing posts with label DIGITAL ID. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIGITAL ID. Show all posts

Thursday, July 29, 2021




The main reason I see the inescapable reality of the UBI becoming more mainstream in the coming short years is the fact that the resources available are constrained and the needs amongst the populace are constant if not increasing. This is a global fact; not only here in a developing economy such as Kenya.


So far the metric used in determining the person(s) eligible for such a scheme is the poverty threshold determined over a country or locale and every citizen living within it gets support from the scheme. Another variation is the social security unemployment benefits that developed economies use to support people who have fallen on hard times. We'll have te equity and equality discussion later.

It is also important to note that in Kenya, this has already been tried out by an NGO in the Bomet and Siaya counties, with a sample size of 14,474 households and the study started in 2018 to see if the beneficiaries would lead sustainable lifestyles and not end up using the money to fund tobacco and alcohol abuse.


For such a program to work, an authority – government/global organization needs to come up with set standards to ensure the transparency and security of funds being transferred.

Two ways to do this is to set up the necessary structures of digital inclusivity and here we’re talking universality in digital ID systems and accessibility to mobile telephony even in the most remote regions of a country so that no one gets left out.

This would require robust investments in the digital infrastructures especially in Sub-Saharan African nations.


Well, that’s pretty straight forward. In a nutshell, Thanos’ dream of full bellies will be achieved without having to wipe out half of the global population and we just might achieve utopia to a certain degree.

Another benefit we’d hit is having that Universal Health Care easily implementable with a synergistic database attained via the universal digital ID.

Another key goal we’d achieve is eliminating corruption through the traceability of the transactions done and ensuring the money ends up in the hands of those who need it most.


We need to face the reality here and admit that in an economy like Kenya’s many manufacturing modes of employment will not be available in the not so distant future. The truth is we as Kenya-and many world nations with the exception of China, Japan, Germany, South Korea and Taiwan and maybe few countries which you can count with your fingers – are a service and information economy.

There are many of us millennials who will never get jobs in the manufacturing sector of our economy. Many of us will start rambling online like I am with this blog of mine hoping to someday make some cash off of our ramblings through vlogs and podcasts as well to bee proud of the  content we’ve created and somehow get a shred of dignity in it other being dependent on a capped cash allocation over a set period. There are some others who’d be content with the UBI whilst others will just hate it.  The best case scenario is to hope that not most of our population will be wholly dependent on the UBI.

Not that many people would want to seek employment if the comparitive incentive isn't worth their time.

We'd end up obese like these humans from that Wall E movie


Our economy has already started working towards the UBI and consequently the UHC(Universal Health Care)  via The Huduma Namba digital ID and this is not happening here alone it’s also happening all over the world . The globalization of such schemes can easily be integrated into the Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and ID 2020 schemes through one entity being given access seamlessly into another’s database. We can see this with the Covid 19 Immunity passports.

There’s also a big four agenda which the Kenya government is working hard to attain as well as its vision 2030 goals which are getting really easily achievable as technology advances.

As I sign off on this piece just know that there has to be an authority overseeing all this Utopian yumminess and that this was not just a fluff piece. 

 Some sacrifices to our personal privacies will have to be made. To whom, I’m not so sure.




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